
Hey y’all! I hope everyone’s weekend has been amazing!

I even buckled down and watched the first half of the Superbowl today. I chose to root for the Packers because green & gold are simply prettier πŸ™‚ And look how that turned out! Teehee.

P.S. Did y’all see the amazing Packers interception/touchdown during the first quarter? I want to replicate that play in my next rugby game.

I’ll recap food later;Β  I’ve got part 1 of my 21st birthday to celebrate!

Friday night formal attire:

(I’m on the right. Notice the nice rugby bruise πŸ™‚ )

Question: How did y’all celebrate your 21st? Or how do you plan to? I’m expecting all sorts of debauchery tonight….

4 responses to “Touchdown

  • whatkateiscooking

    I went to dinner with my family on my 21st, but that weekend I went to karaoke with my cousin. I would tell you more if I remembered anything πŸ™‚

  • purplebirdblog

    Happy birthday, love! Man, my 21st was a two-night ordeal. Downtown Friday night after midnight to cram as many drinks into me as possible before 2. Cirque de Soleil was in town the next day and we had VIP tickets, so I had to take my hungover ass to that (totally worth it!) and then BACK downtown Saturday night with more friends to commence with the “hit up every bar on 6th street because they’ll give you a free shot on your 21st birthday” excursion. Um, there are a lot of bars down there. πŸ˜‰

  • dgeselle

    Happy Birthday lovely!! πŸ™‚

  • Allison @ PickyEatingRD

    Yikes good question!! My birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day so my night was spent with a whole lot of super drunk people around me haha.

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