
There’s a reason why I didn’t post yesterday.

It’s the same reason that explains why I writing this at 4 AM.

My New Year’s dinner with the family was good:

curried acorn squash puree

and mixed greens with avocado, goat cheese, almonds

When I went out to a friend’s, I ended up staying sober throughout the night, but I did consume a vast quantity of cookies. and chips with salsa con queso.

I contributed these little babies:

Magic Middle Peanut Butter Cookies

At one point a few were splayed across the carpet, along with other food and beverages, but they still got the thumbs up!

I can tell you exactly what I ate the next day:

half a pancake with (fake) syrup. 3 slices of melon. chips. chocolate covered cherries. cookies. oatmeal bars. slice of cheese & broccoli pizza. (a few) carrot sticks. kettle corn.

yup. no wonder i couldn’t sleep last night!

Thankfully, I had roped my mom into another Zumba launch at 10:30 this morning, which we attended and she loved! I’m so glad, because this is a woman who is “embarrassed how long she studied dance” because she “doesn’t have any coordination any more.” Not true, Mom!

Well, it is true that you won’t be able to shake your hips like I can. But let’s put that aside.

We stayed for BodyFlow afterwards, which sold her. She’s hooked.

It’s rainy and yucky outside, so I came home to finish out the sunflower seed butter jar!

1/3 cup rolled oats, 1/2 banana, 1 cup blueberries, cinnamon, sunflower seed butter

I haven’t had Oats in a Jar for so long! I love being able to scrape the remaining bit of nut butter from every inch of the jar. And they make great portable breakfasts when I’m at school.

I can't believe how expensive that jar was...

It feels like the end of something beautiful, and the start of something new. Appropriate, right?

There are so many things I need to do.

But I do have one resolution!

I’m going to dance.

Every day.

Whether it’s 2 hours of ballet or 5 seconds of the dougie, it’s going to happen.

What’s one resolution you fully intend to keep?


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