Do you believe in life after love?

According to my watch, there 44 minutes left to my favorite day of the week. 

Where did all the time go?

Oh, right. To my college education and the crazy commitment schedule it entails.

Wednesday was so wacky that there were times were I told myself, “You can either be late to this activity or this activity. Which one will have the better consequences?” (I chose being on time for an education department meeting at the price of being late to ballet, and later to skip a meeting for drinks to go to a study session. good decisions!)

But at the end of the day, I’m in a class titled “Life After Death.” So lately, I’ve been able to say “Carpe Diem!” with honest (and useful!) gusto.

That’s my…

“Whatevs, it’s after midnight, I’m still reading this article about the life of the prophet Muhammad, but it’s all good”


At the end of the day, when I can have a deep late-night conversation about religion with one of my bewildered (and slightly intoxicated) roommates and feel completely knowledgeable, I’m satisfied.

(I can assure you that I never inquire about his study of physics when I’m in the same state.)

At the end of the end of that day (which would be a new day!), when I can begin the journey of student-aiding in a local high school before my class for the day even starts, I’m thrilled.

9th grade English students might be a little unpredictable, but the 7 a.m. mountain view is always sure to inspire.

And at the end of the end of the end of the day (lost yet?),

there is always good food to fall back on.

Am I right?

Green monster, meet toasted coconut.

toasted coconut, spinach , 1/2 banana, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, almond milk

Coconut in smoothies. A new (and scrumptious) frontier of texture!

Rushed-for-time-college-student, meet to-go salads.

Another 1/2 bananarnar.

Leftover water chesnuts & almonds, meet mushrooms & skillet.

And goat cheese! Good match.

Fruit meets sunrise…

Oats meet sunshine…

Dining hall salad of goodness, meet my starving tummy .

Granola & cookies, you can meet my tummy too.

Carpe Diem, everybody! Don’t forget to

seize the day

no matter how stressful it may be.

I leave you with the wisdom of Cher.

(For the record, there is life after love. Yay!)

Fill in the blank: At the end of the day, I ___________.


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