Tag Archives: Protein Powder

Napping & Other Bandits of Time.

What up bloggies! Sorry I’ve been so m.i.a. this week. I have some excuses prepared! The truth is, it’s not that I’m (purposely) neglecting the blog world. It’s just that I’m a busy, busy college student with a grueling schedule. For elaboration on my school’s weirdo philosophy, see here. I have definitely stretched myself thin this semester. Oy! So in my free time, this what I can be found doing:

  • Napping, napping, napping! I can’t seem to get to bed until after midnight nowadays, and since I teach at a high school in the early mornings (which requires getting up at 6:45), I seem to be always in need of more sleep. This is especially essential before rugby practices.

    The essentials for the walk: scarf, iPod, greek yogurt.

  • Smiling over random happenings in my day, like getting a text from my roommate Dicky saying, “Erica thank you so much. Your salad is soooo good” (I didn’t take a picture, but I layered spinach, roasted brussels sprouts, black beans, corn/peas/carrots, & avocado. He was skeptical, but ended up loving it.) In return, this Taiwanese boy taught me the proper technique for making pancakes, which I was totally unaware of (you have to wait for the bubbles to stop bubbling? really? It’s a testament to the instant-gratification culture of the USA, really, that me, this American girl who should be able to make pancakes like it’s her job, had been too impatient to wait for them to fully cook before flipping.)
  • Spinach with roasted brussels sprouts and nutritional yeast.

    •  Attempting to fit “legit” cooking into my life. I can’t remember the last time I actually planned out a dinner! Usually I’ll just sautee lots of veggies, add some protein, nutritional yeast or goat cheese, and put it on a huge pile of spinach. Or I just use my dining dollars and eat the yummy (most of the time) food my school has to offer.
  • Reveling in life’s funny coincidences. I discovered that a male acquaintance of mine will be living in the house next to me next school year! I can’t remember if this before or after we made out. Regardless, I’m thrilled about it.
  • Socializing with the guests that appear in my 6-person apartment. It does wonders for expanding my circle of friends! (see above. hehe!)
  • Rachel just wrote an article on the best music for getting it on. Coincidentally, much of that music is what we play in our apartment on a regular basis.

  • Im so glad my college doesnt have high standards for showering, or my post-rugby stench might be considered rude.

  • Chatting with far-away friends about our crazy iives, and how we survive them. Sample quote from me: “I can’t believe he abandoned you during your first rave on ectasy! He should have stayed in a jail a little bit longer.”
  • Miss you! Dont do anything stupid.

  • Playing rugby, loving my ruggers, and simultaneously being reminded of just how dangerous the sport is. Our team has just been rocked by the recent death of the University of Texas Women’s Rugby captain. It’s a shocking wake-up call for college rugby, and especially for our team since some of our players were playing when that injury occurred.
  • Looks epic, but that is me making a not-so-low (aka not-so-safe) tackle two years ago, when I was a rookie rugger!

Then again, the danger is what makes the rugby bond so strong.

Luckily, all I usually get are bruises.

  •  Listening to the Smokey Robinson channel on Pandora Radio. It’ll turn your frown upside-down and heal your soul.
  • Oh, and eating! Yes. How could i forget?

Salad with mixed greens, roasted brussels sprouts, black beans, & nutritional yeast.

Brown-speckled banana, just the way I like them.

Vegan sampler of salad & lentils!

Breaking the vegan streak with yogurt.

Did I devour that already? Oops. It was yummy.

A Mocha Blast from the school coffee shop. Note the cute eco-friendly cups! Theyre compostable.

You knew it was only a matter of time! Green monster smoothie with spinach, orange, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, & coconut on top!

More salad. How lovely these brussels sprouts look!

Plain greek yogurt with cinnamon & a pear.

Yellow cake ice cream. Nom nom!!

Well that’s all I’ve got for now.My weekend is sure to be full of paper-writing, partying, & rugby playing; I’m hoping for sunshine to accompany them all!


Do you like the rain?

We got a thunderstorm the other night, and it was so refreshing because it NEVER rains in Colorado!

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten lately?

My college’s dining hall has started serving gluten-free pancakes at its midnight breakfasts, so even the gluten-free drunk kids can get their drunchies on! They’re actually quite tasty, and I enjoyed some last night. Clarification: Not drunk. 🙂

Spring Showers

Can I go back to spring break?

I mean more than just recapping the first part of it, which was spent frolicking around the splendid sights of Denver, Colorado.

Like, can I have another one? Please?

Whenever I break out of the Colorado Springs bubble and travel to other parts of Colorado, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the state. It’s gorgeous! I never get tired of the breathtaking drive north towards Denver. Thank goodness I have a good friend just outside the city that lets me invade her house once in a while 😉

We’re just two hippies that like to explore.

Whether it’s chatting a hookah bar in which we were the only non-Arabs (win!),

grabbing a 1 a.m. meal at Pete’s Diner,

(we’re both vegetarians now, which made dining extra sweet this time around!)

snarfing down greek wraps

visiting the Denver Botanical Gardens on a free admission day,

My religion major mind was on vacation; I didn't try to figure out what this symbolized.

local ice cream joints,

Chai tea yogurt in a gluten-free cone. Why? Because it was an option! Tastes just the same.

walking in Washburn Park,

with her majestic great dane, Lucy

and a plethora of fruit and naan

baking banana bread


and then, more cooing over animals which are not mine 😉Between when I got back home and leaving for Oklahoma, things got bland.

I did attempt to make cauliflower pizza.

Looks cool, but not so tasty.

Snackage was random:

and at the same time, completely predictable.

Green monster smoothie with banana, spinach, vanilla protein powder, soy milk, & cinnamon

Cereal, my favorite.

Raw cookie dough, made with almonds.


Apple-cinnamon-peanut butter oats.

Another green monster.

Leftover garden benedict and mushroom omelet.

Strawberry-peanut butter oats.

Sorry for the blah-ness of throwing food pictures at you. I’m just a little cranky from being sunburnt (not enough SPF), bruised (rugby), impatient (wordpress! grr), and stressed (class + tech week for a dance show).

But hey, despite the fact that I just walked home in a snowstorm, Colorado is showing signs of spring. That means summer is just around the corner, right? 😉

What’s on your plate for this week?

What I Ate Wednesday!

<center><a href=”http://peasandcrayons.blogspot.com/”><img border=”0″ src=”http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f210/klutzycutie16/SUSHIbutton12-1.jpg&#8221; /></a></center>

It’s about time I jumped on this bandwagon, eh, bloggies? 🙂 I have not one, but two days for y’all!

(Funny that this week’s icon has a faint image of sushi in the background; you’ll see that farther down!)

But first things first.


Free fruits + veggies, plus some unpictured mini pizzas

Spinach, pear, walnut, & blue cheese salad

(Blue cheese and me? Not friends.)


Cafe au lait with soymilk

(One of my best friend’s names, Jasseigh, is on my mug)

Oatmeal with protein powder, maca, & prunes (yeah…our fruit supply is officially depleted)


Sushi with avocado, cucumber, red pepper, scallion + pineapple

Tea x2

Mixed greens & carrots with artichoke hearts & an egg, drizzled in balsamic vinegar

Banana, side of Arabic

Whole wheat molasses bread with peanut butter, orange

(Didn’t even need the orange that morning; that bread filled me UP!)

Monday (dinner)

Mixed greens & carrots with nutritional yeast & socca

Cut to: mountain scenes!

(They’ve been camera-shy lately. Boo!)

End scene: sleepy roommate.

That’s all for now, folks.

What was the highlight of your Wednesday?

I was able to identify Meatloaf’s  “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” at Trivia Night! The song is great…as long as you don’t picture Meatloaf himself doing what he’s singing about. Hehe 😉

Do you believe in life after love?

According to my watch, there 44 minutes left to my favorite day of the week. 

Where did all the time go?

Oh, right. To my college education and the crazy commitment schedule it entails.

Wednesday was so wacky that there were times were I told myself, “You can either be late to this activity or this activity. Which one will have the better consequences?” (I chose being on time for an education department meeting at the price of being late to ballet, and later to skip a meeting for drinks to go to a study session. good decisions!)

But at the end of the day, I’m in a class titled “Life After Death.” So lately, I’ve been able to say “Carpe Diem!” with honest (and useful!) gusto.

That’s my…

“Whatevs, it’s after midnight, I’m still reading this article about the life of the prophet Muhammad, but it’s all good”


At the end of the day, when I can have a deep late-night conversation about religion with one of my bewildered (and slightly intoxicated) roommates and feel completely knowledgeable, I’m satisfied.

(I can assure you that I never inquire about his study of physics when I’m in the same state.)

At the end of the end of that day (which would be a new day!), when I can begin the journey of student-aiding in a local high school before my class for the day even starts, I’m thrilled.

9th grade English students might be a little unpredictable, but the 7 a.m. mountain view is always sure to inspire.

And at the end of the end of the end of the day (lost yet?),

there is always good food to fall back on.

Am I right?

Green monster, meet toasted coconut.

toasted coconut, spinach , 1/2 banana, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, almond milk

Coconut in smoothies. A new (and scrumptious) frontier of texture!

Rushed-for-time-college-student, meet to-go salads.

Another 1/2 bananarnar.

Leftover water chesnuts & almonds, meet mushrooms & skillet.

And goat cheese! Good match.

Fruit meets sunrise…

Oats meet sunshine…

Dining hall salad of goodness, meet my starving tummy .

Granola & cookies, you can meet my tummy too.

Carpe Diem, everybody! Don’t forget to

seize the day

no matter how stressful it may be.

I leave you with the wisdom of Cher.

(For the record, there is life after love. Yay!)

Fill in the blank: At the end of the day, I ___________.


The Whole Day

Since my trip to Zumba last night required into a farther section of the city, I figured I might be near a Whole Foods once I got out.

I was right. 8 Minutes Away! Too close to resist.

I limited myself to 3 items (which I convinced myself I couldn’t get anywhere else): protein powder, daiya cheese, and a huge jar of crunchy organic peanut butter. All were very necessary: my protein powder just ran out, I’ve been wanting to try Daiya’s vegan cheese forever, and all of my roommates burn through crunchy peanut butter. I don’t know why they don’t sell the organic (or at least natural) crunchy peanut butter in big jars at our local supermarket, but I found it at Whole Foods! All is well now.

And there was great rejoicing! Vanilla green monsters are just as tasty 🙂

With spirulina, to boot! I’ve been meaning to get this alga (which is apparently the singular form of algae? Oho) into my life. It’s convenient to have it right in my protein powder!

Although it annoys me that there was such a gap from the top to the contents…

It that typical?

Spinach, 1/4 avocado, 1 small banana, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, coconut milk, cinnamon

Usually I’m too late rushed to eat my breakfast at home, but I slept in today so I had some time! I tried to eat around 9 so I’d actually have an appetite for the Religion Department Lunch 3 hours later.

Do y’all have Jimmy Johns subs where you are? I’m not a sub person, but these are pretty good. I just wish they had more bread choices! I had 1/2 a veggie sub, which contains sprouts (the best part!), tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, & provolone cheese.

I was productive for a while this afternoon, then took a break for a quick treadmill run. I think my school’s “girl” gym is overheated; I get cold really easily, but as soon as I move in there I’m drenched in sweat immediately! I did a modified run since I had rugby practice tonight; it was about 40 minutes total.

5 minutes jog (warm up), 6.0 mph

4 minutes walk @ 7.5% incline, 4.0 mph

5 minutes jog @ 1.0% incline, 6.5 mph

Repeat those two 2x

5 minutes walk (cool down), 3.8 mph

I came home to refuel with some protein & carbs!

The very last of the plain greek yogurt, 1 chopped green apple, 2 small chunks peanut butter, cinnamon

I tried to do reading, but was distracted my the usual roommates’ nap interference plans and charming conversation.

I threatened to send these into a male modeling agency. They weren’t into it.Another roommate found the Daiya cheese and graciously decided to test it out!

“Melts and stretches? I’m intrigued.”

What’s the verdict, Lo?

“That works. I could so be a vegan.” 🙂

A few hours (and prunes! I’m so glad y’all like them too!!) later, I prepared to venture out into the single-digit temperatures for a quick rugby practice.

Despite the fact that the only form of lip balm I could find was “merlot lip shimmer,” I came to practice prepared!

For post-practice dinner, more of the spaghetti squash that never ends. I think there’s only one serving left, finally!

Spaghetti squash over spinach with chickpeas, red pepper, onion, and daiya vegan cheese

I see what all the fuss is about with this Daiya stuff! It’s not exactly the same as cheese, but it’s very similar in texture and the taste is phenomenal.

Tomorrow’s Friday! Are y’all excited or what? Any fun plans?

Question: Do you like green apples? I always find them too tart, but when you need an apple, you need an apple.

<a href=”http://www.foodista.com/food/WGB8VKC8/spaghetti-squash” style=”display: block; padding: 10px 0 0 0; width: 260px; background: transparent url(http://cf.foodista.com/static/images/widget_green.png) no-repeat scroll 0px -10px; text-decoration: none;” title=”Spaghetti Squash on Foodista” ><span style=”display: block; padding: 0 10px; background-color: #C4DE87; overflow: hidden; text-indent: 0;”><img src=”http://dyn.foodista.com/content/images/583493d630dbeeeab6a51e4f0c5c70b40add6331_240x180c.jpg” alt=”Spaghetti Squash on Foodista” style=”width: 240px; height: 180px; border: none; padding: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 0;” /><span style=”float: left; overflow: hidden; color: white; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif; text-align: left; font-size: 15px; background-color: #C3D694; width: 155px; padding: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px;”>Spaghetti Squash</span><img src=”http://cf.foodista.com/static/images/widget_logo.png” style=”float: right; border: none; width: 70px; height: 25px; padding: 0; margin: 0;” /></span><span style=”display: block; padding: 0; height: 10px; background: transparent url(http://cf.foodista.com/static/images/widget_green.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px; clear: both;”></span><img src=”http://dyn.foodista.com/content/embed/z1.png?foodista_widget_WGB8VKC8_AAAAAAAA” style=”display: none;” /></a>


Hours in the Day


Hey y’all! How was everyone’s Thursday?

In case you’re wondering about the title, today there were not enough hours in the day.

Usually, I’m pretty accepting of the 24 hours that comprise the time in which the Earth makes a single rotation on its axis.

(Confession: I just looked that fact up. I couldn’t remember if days had to do with the sun? or…the moon?)

Last night, things were deceivingly deliciously normal. I went to bed (teehee) with a brownie drowned in coconut milk:

(Not the best I’ve ever had, but a good compliment to the newest episode of Greek!)

I’ve been so, so good about going to the gym every morning during the school week, but this morning, it was not happening. Too little sleep and too much desire to stay immobile. Last Thursday, I also took it easy…I hate school-run yoga (the instructors are so boring and never figure out how to work the music!) but I took it that week anyway. Maybe I should just do the same every Thursday?

I cleaned my dirty self up with a white shirt, blue jeans, & uggs. So classically American! Oh, except for the exquisitely bold Jordanian keffiyeh around my neck.

I actually had an impromptu meeting with one of the school’s Arabic professors today. What a lucky coincidence! Mumtaz! [Excellent]

I walked out the door with this monster…

spinach, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 banana, 1/2 scoop protein powder, coconut milk

Today, my professor asked me, “Are you eating parsley for breakfast?”

I was happy to explain what I was slurping down, and made the girl sitting next to me try it. She liked it, obvi 🙂

Note to self: Don’t leave your notebook on your apartment’s living room table. Philosophical ramblings and other remarks may appear:

Haha, thanks roomies!

After class began the epic quest to find an off-campus house/get a lease signed for next year. Oy vey!

In short…lots of frustration, lots of politics, lots of unfortunate girl drama. We’re still on the edge of our decision, but I think we’ll pull through all right. Details later!

I finally got home at 3 PM (I had breakfast at (9:30 AM…thank goodness it was filling!) to make a quick lunch:

What a change from the past few days, right?

Asparagus, grape tomatoes, tempeh, & chickpeas, sauteed in olive oil & balsamic vinegar and topped with nutritional yeast. I also added in some ginger, garlic powder, and tarragon leaves while cooking. Yum!

Then I had to rush out again for more lease questing, a meeting, and a study group. My dinner was an apple and an orange since I was on the go all evening. Bad, I know! But now I’m home, stressed, and not hungry. All I want to do is read some lovely blogs, watch Desperate Housewives, and get the sleep necessary to both exercise and ace my midterm tomorrow.

Wish me luck and have a fantastic Friday!!

Warm Up

Yesterday: -5 degrees

Today: -1 degrees

Tomorrow: 15 degrees. Woooooah!

Obviously, the process of getting to and from class without freezing solid, let alone doing my work, has delayed my actions in the blogworld lately! I’ve been disciplining myself with 7 am rugby weights in the gym and hours of reading on life after death, but the blog post consistency has suffered. No worries, I’m back! Here’s a glimpse into what the past few days have entailed.


YIAJ: Yogurt in jar! Of peanut butter, that is. Plain greek yogurt with banana, cinnamon and peanut butter.

The same!

Green monster smoothie with spinach, avocado, chocolate protein powder, greek yogurt, coconut milk, & cinnamon.

Plain greek yogurt, 2 clementines, cinnamon, & granola

Green monster smoothie with spinach, avocado, chocolate protein powder & coconut milk

Fashion break!

(that’s the “bring it, impending cold front” face)

Cristin, I’ve rocked the peacock earrings twice this week!

sweaters + sweater dresses = winter survival


(caution: they’re all the same dang thing! gotta use up the produce)

Variations on a theme: spinach with red bell pepper, with nutritional yeast and tempeh. It’s too easy NOT to make everyday.

Apartment shenanigans break!Bro love on the broken futon.

Those are my scarves.Oh…and that’s a large knife…


Malibu Veggie pizza from Old Chicago (mmm!)

Grilled cheeses (on whole wheat bread) and tomato soup

Homemade bread with flaxseed

School-made garden salad with organic caesar dressing

So as you see, life in the cold could be worse. We’ve even got sunshine!

But still lots of snow.

That’s Colorado for ya!

I’m dreaming of another green monster for tomorrow:

And yet another smile over the fact that I’ve been eating Greek Gods greek yogurt and studying greek gods and the afterlife at the same time!


Question: Have you been affected by a crazy weather front lately? My family’s been going crazy on the East Coast, but we just got hit out west too! I can’t wait for the return of the 50s on Friday!

Life After Death

A few days ago, my class took a field trip to a cemetery.

Somehow, I find cemeteries pleasant.

Rather than getting scared about death, I find it comforting to see that it happens. People die, and the world keeps spinning.

And wherever they are now, it’s interesting to observe how the dead choose to be remembered.

I think my class shares that opinion. If I had had my way, I would have been the first to hop into the coffin lift

alas, I was too slow.

“Bloating balls.” You don’t want to know.

I was glad to spend a morning tromping around a graveyard, because rugby weights that morning tired me out! I made sure to get my protein in on the way to class.

Plain greek yogurt, banana, chocolate protein powder and a sprinkle of coconut

Does taking that picture in the stairwell make me eccentric?

I can only imagine how interesting this person was:

Foot powder?? Hmmm.

So many mysteries to be explored….

Oh, and it didn’t hurt that it was 60 degrees and sunny 😉

After wandering in the graveyard,  I celebrated living by going about my day!

I went grocery shopping and came back with too much lots of fresh produce.

Spinach with red peppers, kidney beans, and nutritional yeast

I was fooled into thinking I had to buy 10 bell peppers to get the 10 for $10 deal. Not so! Tricky supermarkets! But these will go fast anyway 😉

I got a vaccine shot, and sported my classy Looney Toons band-aid for ballet class :

( I don’t do ballerina buns.)

I ate cereal for dinner. Very much a (lazy) living-person thing. At least it was cheerios and granola with coconut milk to mix things up!

My muscles are still wicked tired from yesterday’s rugby, so I’mma make like the dead and sleep forever. G’night!

In Between Days

Hello there! I hope everyone’s Thursdays have been thirsty theatrical thankful? therapeutic? Is there a th- word that fits how a Thursday should be?

Surprisingly, I think mine falls under the therapeutic category! Right now, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are my run-around days, but my Tuesday and Thursday activities haven’t taken root yet, so there’s been time to relax.

My class (at my school, you take one at a time) isn’t too hard; just a lot of reading and long, deep discussion!

A few days ago, we were sent around the building to find something that represented life after death.

I found the recycling center. Duh! Just like many faiths, recycling has specific criteria for a successful afterlife. Thankfully, the city I live in sorts your recyclables for you, but that doesn’t mean you can throw crap in there. If, say, you throw in an item that’s not clean, you could compromise the salvation of the whole batch. How’s that for responsibility, huh?

Ok, enough relating trash to religion. Here’s some food!

Sauteed spinach with onions, mushrooms, broccoli, almonds, garlic, and nutritional yeastBroccoli with feta cheese and college student crack salsa con queso

Yesterday morning, I decided enough was enough.

I wanted a green monster.

So I dug out some frozen blueberries from the freezer (probs should have checked the exp date…), threw them in with some spinach and protein powder, and hoped for the best….

Grrr. Blech. It was drinkable, but those blueberries were definitely not up to snuff. I drowned it out with some honey and called it ok 🙂 I ended up going to the dining hall for lunch because I missed my underclassmen pals, so I snuck out some bananas while I was there! Hence, this morning was so much better.

2 handfuls spinach, 1 banana, scoop of chocolate protein powder

Mmmm. I usually add a cup or so of soymilk to thin it out, but since I haven’t done the grocery shopping yet this week, we had none and I didn’t want to take a chance on the digestive upsets of cow’s milk 😦 But it was still DELICIOUS and I had been wanting one for so long! A girl in my class even took a taste and proclaimed it wonderful. I know, right? 😉

My magic bullet is so noisy in the morning, but for tasty creations like this, it’s worth it. Sorry, roomies!

Obviously, I compromise other responsibilities when it comes to ensuring that I get breakfast.

Nope, not happenin’.

But I did plant the $1 strawberry plant I got at Target! It’s sitting pretty on the windowsill now.

(The man socks have since been removed)

More chores I will not do:

I won’t be fixing that futon.I won’t be climbing up the bookshelf to tack another flag alongside Australia’s (or fill the Picachu pinata).

But on this therapeutic Thursday, I did take a 2 hour nap. Oh, yes.

Then I stumbled downstairs to make lunch…

1/ 4 a red onion, spicy tempeh, feta cheese, and kidney beans on a corn tortilla. Cilantro garnish just because I could!

One of my favorite teas to wash it down! Someone recently told me that the owner of Yogi Tea’s daughter is in fact a girl we know at school. Shut the front door! That would be too cool.

(I also recovered a lost silly band!)

Thursday was also therapeutic in the fact that I got to dance my heart out at auditions for a bi-annual dance showcase at my school. Even better, I might be collaborating with a choreographer who wants to do a bellydancing piece! I’ve taken a couple bellydancing workshops waaaay back in the day (8th or 9th grade? not the best use of my time) so that would be fun! Plus…any excuse to show off my bellybutton ring 😉 Best resolution ever.

And as I was walking home, a friend called to invite me for a quick round of Laser Tag. How random! I usually hate social games like bowling and mini golf, but laser tag is always fast-paced and fun! I came 4th out of 14 🙂

And came home to create a dipping dinner of plain greek yogurt, pear slices, cinnamon, and honey:

My days will busier soon, but for now, I’m enjoying the flexibility of the in between days!

Have a fantastic Friday!

Question: What do you do on your non-hectic days? I like to make time for yoga (I went this morning), tea, and a book to snuggle up with!

Orange You Glad? Because there are no bananas.

Since the other (lovely) people I live with (and share groceries with) do not share my constant longing for my favorite fruit, it’s been, like….a day. Or two. Since I’ve had a banana. Just to clarify.

Moving on!

Since the semester has started, I’ve been really good at sticking to morning workouts. Some of my roommates are more like this in the early hours:

(He refuses to get over his jetlag)

But I’ve been hitting the weight room by 7 AM each morning and loving it! I walk 5 minutes to the gym inappropriate yet inspiring tunes (ahem, Enrique), crank out either rugby weights or cardio, and then I’m ready to shower and get on with my day. It always feels great! This morning, I was perusing a US Weekly mag (if I say “perusing” does it sound more forgiveable?) and inspiration struck me, in the form of an orange juice ad. Chocolate orange oatmeal, mayhaps?

No oranges, but we had clementines.

And I unearthed my chocolate protein powder from the depths of storage yesterday!

Into the pot y’all go!

1/3 cup oats, 2 clementines, protein powder

+ coconut!


Like a chocolate orange, in breakfast form 🙂

And with that, I left for class ready for the day and rockin’ some cool, custom-designed kicks:

Orange you glad? I am.


Have wonderful Wednesdays!

Question: Do you have love for clementines? I find that most seem to love them, but I’m not a fan! I’d prefer a banana anyday 🙂