Tag Archives: Coconut Milk

The Whole Day

Since my trip to Zumba last night required into a farther section of the city, I figured I might be near a Whole Foods once I got out.

I was right. 8 Minutes Away! Too close to resist.

I limited myself to 3 items (which I convinced myself I couldn’t get anywhere else): protein powder, daiya cheese, and a huge jar of crunchy organic peanut butter. All were very necessary: my protein powder just ran out, I’ve been wanting to try Daiya’s vegan cheese forever, and all of my roommates burn through crunchy peanut butter. I don’t know why they don’t sell the organic (or at least natural) crunchy peanut butter in big jars at our local supermarket, but I found it at Whole Foods! All is well now.

And there was great rejoicing! Vanilla green monsters are just as tasty 🙂

With spirulina, to boot! I’ve been meaning to get this alga (which is apparently the singular form of algae? Oho) into my life. It’s convenient to have it right in my protein powder!

Although it annoys me that there was such a gap from the top to the contents…

It that typical?

Spinach, 1/4 avocado, 1 small banana, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, coconut milk, cinnamon

Usually I’m too late rushed to eat my breakfast at home, but I slept in today so I had some time! I tried to eat around 9 so I’d actually have an appetite for the Religion Department Lunch 3 hours later.

Do y’all have Jimmy Johns subs where you are? I’m not a sub person, but these are pretty good. I just wish they had more bread choices! I had 1/2 a veggie sub, which contains sprouts (the best part!), tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, & provolone cheese.

I was productive for a while this afternoon, then took a break for a quick treadmill run. I think my school’s “girl” gym is overheated; I get cold really easily, but as soon as I move in there I’m drenched in sweat immediately! I did a modified run since I had rugby practice tonight; it was about 40 minutes total.

5 minutes jog (warm up), 6.0 mph

4 minutes walk @ 7.5% incline, 4.0 mph

5 minutes jog @ 1.0% incline, 6.5 mph

Repeat those two 2x

5 minutes walk (cool down), 3.8 mph

I came home to refuel with some protein & carbs!

The very last of the plain greek yogurt, 1 chopped green apple, 2 small chunks peanut butter, cinnamon

I tried to do reading, but was distracted my the usual roommates’ nap interference plans and charming conversation.

I threatened to send these into a male modeling agency. They weren’t into it.Another roommate found the Daiya cheese and graciously decided to test it out!

“Melts and stretches? I’m intrigued.”

What’s the verdict, Lo?

“That works. I could so be a vegan.” 🙂

A few hours (and prunes! I’m so glad y’all like them too!!) later, I prepared to venture out into the single-digit temperatures for a quick rugby practice.

Despite the fact that the only form of lip balm I could find was “merlot lip shimmer,” I came to practice prepared!

For post-practice dinner, more of the spaghetti squash that never ends. I think there’s only one serving left, finally!

Spaghetti squash over spinach with chickpeas, red pepper, onion, and daiya vegan cheese

I see what all the fuss is about with this Daiya stuff! It’s not exactly the same as cheese, but it’s very similar in texture and the taste is phenomenal.

Tomorrow’s Friday! Are y’all excited or what? Any fun plans?

Question: Do you like green apples? I always find them too tart, but when you need an apple, you need an apple.

<a href=”http://www.foodista.com/food/WGB8VKC8/spaghetti-squash” style=”display: block; padding: 10px 0 0 0; width: 260px; background: transparent url(http://cf.foodista.com/static/images/widget_green.png) no-repeat scroll 0px -10px; text-decoration: none;” title=”Spaghetti Squash on Foodista” ><span style=”display: block; padding: 0 10px; background-color: #C4DE87; overflow: hidden; text-indent: 0;”><img src=”http://dyn.foodista.com/content/images/583493d630dbeeeab6a51e4f0c5c70b40add6331_240x180c.jpg” alt=”Spaghetti Squash on Foodista” style=”width: 240px; height: 180px; border: none; padding: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 0;” /><span style=”float: left; overflow: hidden; color: white; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif; text-align: left; font-size: 15px; background-color: #C3D694; width: 155px; padding: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px;”>Spaghetti Squash</span><img src=”http://cf.foodista.com/static/images/widget_logo.png” style=”float: right; border: none; width: 70px; height: 25px; padding: 0; margin: 0;” /></span><span style=”display: block; padding: 0; height: 10px; background: transparent url(http://cf.foodista.com/static/images/widget_green.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px; clear: both;”></span><img src=”http://dyn.foodista.com/content/embed/z1.png?foodista_widget_WGB8VKC8_AAAAAAAA” style=”display: none;” /></a>


Shake & Go

What up, bloggies! Happy Friday! Gosh knows I need it.

Guess what went down this morning? I…

  • did a super quick rugby weights sesh
  • fought with two separate ATMs
  • went downtown with friends to put the huuuge rent deposit on our HOUSE for next year
  • went to class and took a midterm!!

Then I came, home, took a shower, and plunged into a 2 hour nap. I wish it could be 3 hours (it is Friday, after all), but I’ve got ballet and then rugby to attend!! What a crazyhectic 24 hours!

Not the most photogenic breakfast, but it worked! I bought a sample packet of a Vega Shake & Go Smoothie a while ago, so I busted it out for this morning’s busyness. I bought the Choc a Lot flavor (because how could that be a bad choice?), added the powder into my water bottle, shook it up, and I was set! It wasn’t bad; I like my breakfasts to have volume, but with this I could walk, talk, and count absurd amounts of cash while I drank it. I ate the banana in the car ride back to campus. Perfect for when you have your hands full!   (Matt has a great review of them the smoothies here)

It was about noon when I got out of the shower, and I was quite hungry, but I knew I wanted sleep more. I ate an apple, dozed off, and now I’m slurping down a green monster (surprise! haha) for nutrition and easy digestion before ballet:

spinach, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 banana, 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder, coconut milk, cinnamon

Hit the spot.

I’m so excited to be back to fridays that include both ballet and rugby! Similarly, I’m going to a fashion show and a hockey game tonight. Woohoo! Have a fantastic afternoon and evening!

Question: Do you have any interests (or food choices!)  that seem completely opposite? I love it when my ballet slippers share room in my backpack with cleats 🙂

Warm Up

Yesterday: -5 degrees

Today: -1 degrees

Tomorrow: 15 degrees. Woooooah!

Obviously, the process of getting to and from class without freezing solid, let alone doing my work, has delayed my actions in the blogworld lately! I’ve been disciplining myself with 7 am rugby weights in the gym and hours of reading on life after death, but the blog post consistency has suffered. No worries, I’m back! Here’s a glimpse into what the past few days have entailed.


YIAJ: Yogurt in jar! Of peanut butter, that is. Plain greek yogurt with banana, cinnamon and peanut butter.

The same!

Green monster smoothie with spinach, avocado, chocolate protein powder, greek yogurt, coconut milk, & cinnamon.

Plain greek yogurt, 2 clementines, cinnamon, & granola

Green monster smoothie with spinach, avocado, chocolate protein powder & coconut milk

Fashion break!

(that’s the “bring it, impending cold front” face)

Cristin, I’ve rocked the peacock earrings twice this week!

sweaters + sweater dresses = winter survival


(caution: they’re all the same dang thing! gotta use up the produce)

Variations on a theme: spinach with red bell pepper, with nutritional yeast and tempeh. It’s too easy NOT to make everyday.

Apartment shenanigans break!Bro love on the broken futon.

Those are my scarves.Oh…and that’s a large knife…


Malibu Veggie pizza from Old Chicago (mmm!)

Grilled cheeses (on whole wheat bread) and tomato soup

Homemade bread with flaxseed

School-made garden salad with organic caesar dressing

So as you see, life in the cold could be worse. We’ve even got sunshine!

But still lots of snow.

That’s Colorado for ya!

I’m dreaming of another green monster for tomorrow:

And yet another smile over the fact that I’ve been eating Greek Gods greek yogurt and studying greek gods and the afterlife at the same time!


Question: Have you been affected by a crazy weather front lately? My family’s been going crazy on the East Coast, but we just got hit out west too! I can’t wait for the return of the 50s on Friday!