Tag Archives: Sushi

What I Ate Wednesday!

<center><a href=”http://peasandcrayons.blogspot.com/”><img border=”0″ src=”http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f210/klutzycutie16/SUSHIbutton12-1.jpg&#8221; /></a></center>

It’s about time I jumped on this bandwagon, eh, bloggies? πŸ™‚ I have not one, but two days for y’all!

(Funny that this week’s icon has a faint image of sushi in the background; you’ll see that farther down!)

But first things first.


Free fruits + veggies, plus some unpictured mini pizzas

Spinach, pear, walnut, & blue cheese salad

(Blue cheese and me? Not friends.)


Cafe au lait with soymilk

(One of my best friend’s names, Jasseigh, is on my mug)

Oatmeal with protein powder, maca, & prunes (yeah…our fruit supply is officially depleted)


Sushi with avocado, cucumber, red pepper, scallion + pineapple

Tea x2

Mixed greens & carrots with artichoke hearts & an egg, drizzled in balsamic vinegar

Banana, side of Arabic

Whole wheat molasses bread with peanut butter, orange

(Didn’t even need the orange that morning; that bread filled me UP!)

Monday (dinner)

Mixed greens & carrots with nutritional yeast & socca

Cut to: mountain scenes!

(They’ve been camera-shy lately. Boo!)

End scene: sleepy roommate.

That’s all for now, folks.

What was the highlight of your Wednesday?

I was able to identify Meatloaf’sΒ  “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” at Trivia Night! The song is great…as long as you don’t picture Meatloaf himself doing what he’s singing about. Hehe πŸ˜‰


She was shakin’ (oh oh oh oh oh)
Snappin’ her fingers (oh oh oh oh oh)
She was movin’ round and round
That girl was shakin’

Eddie Money, anyone? I love the 80s; I wish I could have been there πŸ˜‰

No, but really, this afternoon I was shaking. Why, you ask?


A tall latte with soy milk.

Let me explain! I used to get soy lattes at the school coffee shop all the time. They’re so delicious and nutritious (yes? i think so). But since I’m on a commuter meal plan this semester and most of my food I prepare at home, I haven’t been around campus much to indulge in coffee. Nor have I really needed it! That’s a good sign, right?

Well, after a quick elliptical workout this morning, I was really craving a soy latte! I noshed on a ginormous (it’s a real word, go with it) apple while getting ready for school:

Did you know that apples are more effective in waking you up than caffeine? For real, look it up!

And then sipped on my latte before class.

Other than being a little hungrier than usual for lunch, it meshed with me very, very nicely. I didn’t even feel the caffeine; just soymilk + coffee goodness! I attended a lunch held by the political science department where I had ordered (teehee…so spoiled) a huge salad from the nearby (amazing) deli, Wooglin’s.

spinach, mushrooms, cucumbers, avocado, onions, 1 hard boiled egg, croutons (I only spared the sliced bread)

Then, after my Arabic adjunct had ended around 4 PM, I started…shaking. Regardless of the fact that I had just watched a 2-hour Arabic movie (“State of Love.” it was great!), my heart would not stop racing!

I’m not sure when the last time I had coffee was, but it’s definitely been at least a month, perhaps even 2?? It’s amazing what caffeine withdrawal can do!

One of coping methods is making to-do lists. I might never look at this list again, but hey, A for effort!

Thank goodness I had rugby practice at night to solve THAT problem πŸ™‚

I usually don’t make “cute food” to put on the blog, but since I was using grapes…I just couldn’t resist.


Practice was hard and good. Good and hard, whatever you prefer.

(There were a lot of dirty jokes over dinner, can you tell? πŸ™‚ )

I simply HAD to get school food tonight, because it was SUSHI TUESDAY!

My roll had carrot, cucumber, asparagus, red pepper, and tofu.

Yummm. I still haven’t mastered theΒ eat-each-piece-in-one-bite-to-avoid-looking-like-a-gross-slob technique, but so long as it all winds up in my belly, I’m a happy sushi-eater πŸ™‚

My other rugby teammates compensate by making artwork out of soy sauce.

Have a fantastic Wednesday, errybody!

What do YOU like in YOUR sushi? Or what’s the craziest kind you’ve had?

(Apparently I’m all about the caps tonight. I still blame the caffeine.)

I usually get some variation on the avocado roll (with tofu if they have it), but since I had already had some avocado in my salad today, I opted for more veggies instead. I’m trying to focus on variety!