Tag Archives: Balsamic

What I Ate Wednesday!

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It’s about time I jumped on this bandwagon, eh, bloggies? 🙂 I have not one, but two days for y’all!

(Funny that this week’s icon has a faint image of sushi in the background; you’ll see that farther down!)

But first things first.


Free fruits + veggies, plus some unpictured mini pizzas

Spinach, pear, walnut, & blue cheese salad

(Blue cheese and me? Not friends.)


Cafe au lait with soymilk

(One of my best friend’s names, Jasseigh, is on my mug)

Oatmeal with protein powder, maca, & prunes (yeah…our fruit supply is officially depleted)


Sushi with avocado, cucumber, red pepper, scallion + pineapple

Tea x2

Mixed greens & carrots with artichoke hearts & an egg, drizzled in balsamic vinegar

Banana, side of Arabic

Whole wheat molasses bread with peanut butter, orange

(Didn’t even need the orange that morning; that bread filled me UP!)

Monday (dinner)

Mixed greens & carrots with nutritional yeast & socca

Cut to: mountain scenes!

(They’ve been camera-shy lately. Boo!)

End scene: sleepy roommate.

That’s all for now, folks.

What was the highlight of your Wednesday?

I was able to identify Meatloaf’s  “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” at Trivia Night! The song is great…as long as you don’t picture Meatloaf himself doing what he’s singing about. Hehe 😉

“You just gotta keep livin’, man! L-I-V-I-N.”


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

I have so many things in my life to be grateful for.

I love books, but one exceptionally great thing about movies is that you can learn a meaningful lesson from them, super quickly!

The movie we watched today in class was no exception. It was a film about boys living on the street in Morocco, and a group of friends trying to bury their recently-deceased friend.

  • “Life is beautiful!” > “Life is a pile of shit!”
  • Rugby team family > Gang family led by abusive deaf & mute older boy
  • Living in a college apartment > Squatting on a corner of the dock
  • Getting bruised from tackles > Getting killed by a thrown stone
  • Watching your friend break her wrist > Watching your friend get his throat slit
  • Working as a summer camp counselor > Selling random trinkets to drivers stuck in traffic
  • Eating a spectrum of delicious foods > Living off of stolen fish
  • Enjoying life on earth > Fantasizing about life after death I don’t know if I should be sharing this so openly, but y’all are a truly lovely group of readers, so here goes: I don’t think about the afterlife because I love my life on earth too much to want anything more. My afterlife views in a nutshell! Endofstory.

It was especially good to see this earlier in the day, because in my team’s first rugby scrimmage of the season today (!) one of my best friends broke her wrist. Ahh! I didn’t see it up close, but I watched it happen.

The Air Force Academy: such a pretty place to play, until the sun sets behind the mountains.

And God help whoever gets in her way once she’s on the field again. She will be one vicious woman.

These are my legs Wednesday. Tomorrow they'll be much more spotted!

Oh, life.

No fear! There’s still food. Can’t you appreciate it a little more now? 😉

Sauteed onions & green bell peppers with nutritional yeast & balsamic vinegar

Mixed greens & carrots with a tarragon & goat cheese socca pancake

Grilled veggies with hummus, salad with wheatberries, whole wheat bread


And the standard pb & banana oats, transported to school.

And of course,

shenanigans in the sunshine.

“You just gotta keep livin’, man! L-I-V-I-N.”

(name that movie??)

What’s one thing you’re grateful for in your life?

(Food included, or not!)

The Calm Before the Storm

Do you see a storm brewing over these mountains?

Nope, neither do I. There is, however, a beer bottle in the middle of that field. If you noticed.

My actual semester starts tomorrow, and I’m happy to say that I am very much at peace.

Unlike this yard, my last 2 weeks on campus have been, in a word, serene. They’ve been filled with good food, great friends, and gorgeous (yes, gorgeous) exercising. My apartment just welcomed our 8th (!) roommate back from his home in Australia; he was so exhausted, he slept through the fire drill last night! We’re still recounting skiing shenanigans. This morning, we went on a Target run with belly button rings as the most crucial items on the list.

If that’s not a forecast for a great semester, I don’t know what is.

Fresh with this morning’s plunder, I am currently lounging under my new down blanket:

Mmmmm. Warmth.

Admiring the new features of my room:

We are such girls.

Another roommate’s tapestry from Kenya.

Danish flags! Because my roomie went to Denmark last semester, and because I happen to be 1/4 Danish!Oh yes. More accessories.

But what are material things compared to this sense of serenity?

Food helps too. Here’s my lunch of 2 eggs scrambled with mushrooms, onions, nutritional yeast, and balsamic vinegar.

Apple snack on the way to a meeting, side of paper.

Whatever storm you’re seeing on the horizon, I hope you can find some calm to get you through it.

Have a wonderful Sunday night (and manic Monday), everyone!

Question: What do you buy when you go to Target? I only bought one thing from the $1 bin this time; it was a mini strawberry plant, it was too adorable to pass up!


Life Put a Lot on my Plate.

You know those days where you wake up hungry?

And you just want something satisfying, quick, tried and true?

Hooray for cereal!

Kashi Autumn Wheat, Fiber One at the bottom, half a banana, and a dosing of soy milk.

Good thing I was hungry, because today, life put a lot on my plate.

1. My sister got into her 3rd car accident while backing out of a driveway.

Thankfully, neither she or her friend were hurt, and the damage to the car is purely cosmetic.

2. I saw a truck knowingly wrench a power line from its pole, and leave it sprawling across the street.

Seriously? I arrived just in time to see the truck squirming around, knowing it was caught on something, then drive up the hill like nobody’s business once it was free.

3. I could not report this incident myself because my cell phone has horrible reception on that street.

Because I didn’t have the police’s number, I tried to call 911, but all I heard from the end was, “Hello? You’re cutting out.” I need to graduate from Virgin Mobile. I had the next person who drove by report it; she’s probably with Verizon.

4. My sister likes kale chips.

Yes, this is up there with car accidents. Because my sister is such a picky eater that I never thought that she would actually try them.

All I did was:

  • rinse the kale in water and give a whirl in the salad spinner
  • massage kale with olive oil, dill weed, and some sea salt
  • bake in the oven at 400 F for 13 minutes
  • hope for the best

I can’t believe it.

(evidence of both our hands in the bowl)

Round out the day with a treadmill workout, another 30 minutes shredding with Jillian, and dinner out with the sister and Dad…that’s a lot of day to digest.

I even got sis (on the left) to try some of my polenta and vegetable melt!

Terrible lighting, wonderful dish.

Oh, and the tree is decorated!

A lot on my plate, but all of it was joyful in the end.