Tag Archives: Molasses

What I Ate Wednesday!

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It’s about time I jumped on this bandwagon, eh, bloggies? 🙂 I have not one, but two days for y’all!

(Funny that this week’s icon has a faint image of sushi in the background; you’ll see that farther down!)

But first things first.


Free fruits + veggies, plus some unpictured mini pizzas

Spinach, pear, walnut, & blue cheese salad

(Blue cheese and me? Not friends.)


Cafe au lait with soymilk

(One of my best friend’s names, Jasseigh, is on my mug)

Oatmeal with protein powder, maca, & prunes (yeah…our fruit supply is officially depleted)


Sushi with avocado, cucumber, red pepper, scallion + pineapple

Tea x2

Mixed greens & carrots with artichoke hearts & an egg, drizzled in balsamic vinegar

Banana, side of Arabic

Whole wheat molasses bread with peanut butter, orange

(Didn’t even need the orange that morning; that bread filled me UP!)

Monday (dinner)

Mixed greens & carrots with nutritional yeast & socca

Cut to: mountain scenes!

(They’ve been camera-shy lately. Boo!)

End scene: sleepy roommate.

That’s all for now, folks.

What was the highlight of your Wednesday?

I was able to identify Meatloaf’s  “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” at Trivia Night! The song is great…as long as you don’t picture Meatloaf himself doing what he’s singing about. Hehe 😉

A Mili

When you start the day off with this song:

That’s a sign you’re coming off a pretty badass weekend.

Yeah, I’ll explain that in a bit…

Here’s what went down!

My rugby team won our Sunday game…


What up! As usual, I’m sore and bruised all over.

However, another teammate of mine broke her wrist during a scrimmage on Thursday, so I’m pretty darn thankful to be intact.

(By the way, how did I manage to bruise a toenail? It’s my big toe. It hurts and it’s making movement annoyingly difficult.)

  • My college’s annual “Drag Ball” happened, and since I had a rugby game the next day, I did not drink for it. Seeing guys dressed as girls is funny when you’re sober, but admittedly much more hilarious when you’ve got a couple shots in you.

Dressing our guy friends up

I grabbed my roommate’s kimono and dubbed myself…

” a young samurai in training…in his evening wear.”

It’s a very mature college event.

  • I snagged a suhweeet pair of cowboy boots at the thrift store for $9.99. Yay bargain shopping!

We almost bought this hula hoop, too.

  • On a random baking whim, I made molasses bread. It showed me that I haven’t baked lately…and it shows, haha! But I’ll get back into it soon.

I made up for it with more beautiful food over the weekend.

Starting with the best quiche I’ve ever had:

(and a GUY made it!)

Post-rugby salad:

Mixed greens, nutritional yeast, rosemary & tumeric socca

1/2 a Pita Pit hummus wrap with tzatziki sauce

(I am being fed so well by Arabic department events! This was a Tunisian Revolution information session.)

Feast in the dining hall:

Shards of a blueberry muffin:

And…you had to know this was coming…

Yurp, green monsters galore! I think I had 3 in 3 days. Win!

1 orange, spinach, protein powder, cinnamon, water (skimpy but swell!)

The norm: banana, spinach, protein powder, almond milk, cinnamon

I’m off to ballet and the gym,where I will continue to extend my badass-ness from the weekend!

Holla! Have a great day!

Tell me one awesome thing you did this weekend.




Halfway to Neither

Mmmm, good evening!

Wednesdays are an awkward time of the week, in my opinion. It’s like the glass half full/half empty argument. Depending on your perspective, you could be “halfway through!” or “halfway through…” , catch my drift?

This evening, looking back on the day, I happen to be neither. This weekend, most of my fellow college-age peeps come home, and I can finally feel normal about all the loafing I’ve been doing. But as John Lennon once said, “Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.” Right on.

After CoreYoga this morning (which kicked my sore little booty), I decided to capitalize my need for post-workout protein with a little experiment:

My friend Wendy recently attended a nutrition conference in Boston and came back with all kinds of swag. Sharing is caring 🙂

I stirred this vanilla hemp protein packet into my pot of 1/4 cup oat bran and 1/2 cup mango.

I have no idea how to work that grill on the deck.

Since the powder gave such a dotty appearance and dark shade to the oat bran, I thought it would be super flavorful (and not necessarily in a good way). But I couldn’t taste it! The bowl didn’t taste bad at all, I just couldn’t sense any flavor. How come, hemp?

I still have another packet to try, so we’ll see if that’s any difference.

I was out for most of the afternoon at an endogastroenterologist appointment. Usually, I would say that things that take a long time to pronounce are worth discussing, but this one is not. Not yet, at least. Shall we move on?

I had another glorious session of Rugby Weights at the gym; this track, referred to as Weights 2, focuses on more reps, less weight. One of the moves for this track is “Dumbells x 60 : 6 sets of 10” so you can bet that after 3 circuits of those plus other exercises, my arms were on fire feeling sweet. I love how I could see the muscles I hadn’t glimpsed since the spring awakening. Hello, upper back beauties!

After a quick trip to Walmart (which included a mad dash through the cold from the far end of the parking lot, in running shorts), I came home just wanting some veggies.

Celery canoes with goat cheese, drizzled with olive oil. Greek much?

I came home to a house smelling of banana. My sister made muffins! As well as a mess for me to clean up. Life is all about compromise.

She even left the oven light on.

1 of the 3 banana peels strewn about the kitchen.

On to bigger and better things. Namely, dinner!

I really wanted to make Kath’s Nutty Soba Noodles, but since I didn’t have a lot of ingredients, I had to modify it a bit. Ok, a lot. Hence they became Erica’s Nutty Rice Pilaf with Vegetable Scraps. Still incredibly delicious!

The ingredients I had to work with: edamame (I subbed it later for peas), leftover kale stems, onion, tofu, and rice pilaf.

What makes this meal is Kath’s ingenious sunflower sauce. This is my new favorite way to use sunflower seed butter!

2 TBSP sunflower seed butter (can use other nut butter), 1.5 TBSP soy sauce, 1.5 TBSP warm water, 1 TSP honey, 1 clove garlic, .5 TSP molasses

Made the rice pilaf (this took about 20 minutes):

Chopped the kale stems and onion, steamed the peas:

Chopped up 1/3 a block of tofu:

Poor tofu. You just don’t look good naked.
Let me put you next to a knife so you’ll look cooler.

Added the veggies and tofu to a big pot with some olive oil, stirred with soy sauce:

Once those were seared nicely (I like a little bit of crisp), I added in the rice pilaf:

Don’t forget to shake up the sauce! I warmed it up a bit in the microwave to make it more drippy.

Add the standard Erica household salad (mixed greens with goat cheese), drizzle the sauce on top of the mix, and your glass will surely appear half-full.

I’m snuggling up to watch some 3o Rock and pretend that I’ll be as witty as Tina Fey one day.

Have a fantastic Wednesday evening!

Question: What’s one awkward thing that happened to you today?



The Most Wonderful Time

I couldn’t sleep until 5 AM last night.

That’s the perfect excuse to roll out of bed just before noon, stumble to the kitchen, and plop down with a magazine and a sweet spinach muffin.

I mean, that’s the logical thing to do, right?

(My apologies for the horrible photography; I’m getting a real camera for Christmas!)

I made The Chic Life’s Sweet Spinach Muffins the other day, and even though spinach is one of my favorite foods and I love anything with it, these muffins are DELICIOUS. So sweet. So hearty. So worthy of breakfast, which is my favorite meal of the day, so they’re pretty good.

The other pro to waking up around noon? I had to bake for my friend’s party that night. Time constraints, right?

Pumpkin molasses cookies for the win! They were devoured at the party, and I hardly had time to interject, “They’re vegan!”

Other party shenanigans:

(I was figuring out how to play “Christmas Tree” by Lady Gaga)

(I accidentally made a dradel-esque “snowflake,” so I decided to run with it and make a star and crescent to rep Islam as well as Judaism. Can you tell I’m a religion major?)

What college party is complete without festive jello shots?

Or alcohol-infused whipped cream?

As my face shows, it is both tasty, silly, and strong.

I really hope they sell this in Colorado. Otherwise, I’ll just make my own, because it’s way too much fun!

Wendy takes a cookie. Sweeney will discover their deliciousness later.

When it comes to college parties, there are some questions that might never be answered.

  • When will grinding give way to another dance style?
  • How did I happen to come across the one thorny stick in the leaf pile I just walked through?
  • Should I dress like a skank when I know it’s freezing outside?
  • Why does my best friend’s table have a random smattering of Advil, earring backs, and cookies?

Foods, friends, and frolicking fucked-up-ly for fun.

It’s the most wonderful time.